Backyard Birds Sensory Play

Sensory play is part of our every day.  We have a sensory table that we rotate every couple weeks with various themes, fillers and materials.  However, in addition, I try to provide the munchkins with simple sensory experiences that encourage learning through play each day.  This week we are focusing on birds in our backyard.  We are truly ready for Spring!

To start the week off we created a very simple sensory bin using none other than bird seed as our filler.


We included in our bin:

A set of the Safari Ltd Backyard Birds TOOB

Two small bird nests and bird eggs from Michaels Craft Store

Scoops and small cardboard pots


The munchkins were super excited to play with the birds and the bird seed.  They had no idea they were learning the whole time we played.  We discussed the different types of birds, how they build nests, and lay eggs.  We talked about what they eat.  The munchkins became totally engrossed in the life of a bird.

Mr. B insisted that a blue bird buries his head in the seed in order to eat.

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Little Miss was certain that all the local birds come to watch the baby birds hatch.


They scooped, poured, and buried.  They even made the seed fall on the birds like rain because that is what they thought it sounded like.  They created trees out of the pots for the birds to nest in.


But, the very best part about this particular sensory bin is that they finally played “together”.  They took turns filling their small hands with seed and asking the other if their bird was hungry.  This went on for quite some time.  I loved watching them interact and play together.


And, it was really cool to hear Little Miss teaching her daddy all the different types of birds she had learned about during dinner time.

We will be using this seed for another project later in the week, so stay tuned for more of our backyard bird learning and fun!